Words for you ahead of the new year

New Years Fireworks

Dear future client,
Today is 27 December 2022 – congratulations, you have made it through the holiday hump that is Christmas. I hope with all my heart that you came away from the dining table without too much body or diet talk, minimal plate contents commentary and hopefully a delicious feast that you were able to enjoy – guilt free. If you’re like me, you probably came away a little fuller than usual, but this is Christmas – and food is not just energy in equals energy out, but it is celebration, it is love and it creates community.

Next to face is New Years and the onslaught of resolution setting that goes with it! I was watching morning TV earlier today, and could not believe the number of diet ads shown in such a short period.

Seeing these ads reminded me of how I used to feel at this time of year, before I quit dieting.

An Ode to the End of the Year
By someone in a bigger body

At the end of each year I felt like a failure, for the weight I did not lose.
At the end of each year I felt hopeful, for the possible weight loss to follow.
At the end of each year I felt a sense of dread, for what I was about to put my mind and body through.
At the end of each year I felt confused, why did I keep doing this to myself?

Reflecting on this time of year reminded me of how I used to feel – and how so many people feel at this time of year. It reminded me of how far I’ve come, and how far you can come too

Finding out about Health at Every Size (HAES) in 2013 changed my life, as did finding weight-neutral, or better yet, non-diet practitioners, who knew there was more to life – and health – than the number on the scale.

It took courage, it took tears, it required the ‘what ifs’ to be silenced … but it changed my life, and I’m hoping it will change yours too.

Wishing you everything you need in 2023.


What does ‘holding space’ mean?


Why use a Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach?