What does ‘holding space’ mean?

Pink counselling chair in a room

The origin of our name – Held Counselling – come from the idea of ‘holding space’ for someone.

I often hear comments from people hesitant to come to counselling, saying “what advice could a counsellor give me?” or “I don’t need advice”. But counselling is far from receiving advice, being fixed or being told what to do.

Counselling is about sitting next to someone who is non-judgemental, empathetic and unbiased, someone who listens and allows you to be you. It’s about supporting you to explore what you need, what sits well with you and what feels right.

Discussing holding space, Brene Brown said it best:

“Empathy is simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of ‘you are not alone.”

At Held Counselling we hold a space that is safe, supported, and free of judgement. A space where you will be listened to, validated and unconditionally accepted.

Yes, it may indeed feel easier to be given advice – but chances are someone else’s solution might not be the solution for YOU.

We’re 100% advice-free. We promise. Contact us today!


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