Why use a Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach?

Young lady with blue outfit smiling

As a counsellor, my code of ethics means there are two key principles that guide my actions as a professional:

  1. A commitment to promoting client well-being

  2. A commitment to avoiding harm to clients

This is why my practice has chosen to use the Health at Every Size® (HAES®) paradigm. HAES is an approach to health that supports people of all shapes and sizes. It shifts the focus of health off weight and instead onto behaviours that promote health, wellbeing and inclusivity.

While short-term weight loss is possible for many, the continued effects of long-term weight loss are rare (understatement!). Intentional weight loss can lead to harm and carries the risk of developing disordered or maladaptive eating patterns, weight cycling, increased body dissatisfaction, and eventually, an increased weight when compared to the baseline weight, or what diet culture may refer to as the “before” weight.

Yes, the ads tell you you will be different, you will be the one to lose the weight and keep it off, but the statistics tell us, there’s a very real possibility you won’t be. Like a 90%+ possibility you wont keep it off. Yep, it sucks - especially in a world so fixated on the perfect body.

My practice is weight neutral, meaning weight change or weight control is not an intended or encouraged outcome of our work together. My intention working with you is to explore and enable healthy behaviours, regardless of your weight or body shape. I support the five Health At Every Size principles: weight inclusivity, health enhancement, eating for wellbeing, respectful care and life-enhancing movement. Read more about the HAES principles

Working from this perspective, you will likely see improvements in intuitive eating behaviours, reduced body dissatisfaction, increased self compassion and connection to self and others, and sustained, enjoyable physical activity.

Held Counselling respects body diversity, promotes size acceptance and aims to end weight discrimination.

Your initial experience of HAES may feel uncomfortable – it will challenge many deep-seated cultural beliefs and societal views around weight, diets and health. As your counsellor, my role is to provide you with the time, support, safety and space to help you explore these thoughts and feelings, to hold space for you, and work through it, together.


Words for you ahead of the new year